
This is my archive

To provide support for the Philani MOVIE Breastfeeding Study.

To provide support for Phase II of the Data Standard Development Project.

To provide general operating support.

To provide support for the MediCapt Program.

To provide support for the Digital Health Leadership Capacity Building Workshop.

To provide general operating support, including the Global Digital Health Forum.

To provide conference sponsorship support for the African Transformation Forum 2020.

To provide support for the AeHIN Secretariat to lead ICT workshops, serve as a learning resource for the South Asian Digital Health Community and regional peer-learning networks ($75,000), and for the Annual Conference ($15,000).

To provide support for the development and dissemination of evidence-based guidance for the global COVID-19 response.

To provide support for the AI Cures Fund at J-Clinic and to support work related to machine learning for antiviral screening.

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