
This is my archive

to support implementation of the Community Health Integrated Platform in Rajasthan, inclusive of integrating AI/ML models for risk-stratification.

to support a participatory redesign process of the Global Digital Health Index (GDHI) to reflect developments in digital health, pandemic preparedness, and AI.

to introduce a combined AI-powered symptom tracker and location services tool to low-income consumers in Vietnam.

for the Center for Applied Artificial Intelligence to support Nightingale Open Science

to advance the Multimodal Biosensing (MMBS) Program at Neuroscape to leverage AI and data science to gain a deeper understanding of an individual’s state in real-time with the goal of improving mental health globally.

to support the government of Zanzibar in maximizing the value of their community health data by co-developing a governance framework for data as a global good.

to support country-led, data-driven decision-making on vaccine cold chain management through partnerships with the Government of Malawi.

To provide support for the development of a data standard for global cataract surgery services.

To provide support for the 2018 AI and Global Health Event.

To provide support for Digital Square's incubation of the African Alliance for Digital Health Networks ($50,000) and for the Digital Health Applied Leadership Program ($150,000).

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