
This is my archive

to create datasets and products that focus the actions of local organizers and public officials on the highest-leverage opportunities for emissions reduction.

to build community and increase collaboration between researchers, practitioners, and private sector stakeholders working on ML + climate

to use AI/ML to provide companies and policymakers with data driven, context-specific food waste reduction strategies.

5 reasons why empowering women and girls can revolutionise the fight against climate change

to use AI to help discover, structure, search, and compare the world's climate laws and policies

to increase accountability in the voluntary carbon market and tie CDR policy and investments to the best available science

Vilas Dhar in Davos: Social sector adoption of AI is more critical than ever

to support the build out of a transparent, open-source tool to drive enhanced speed and scale of the voluntary carbon market to achieve a 1.5°C future

to support data-driven conservation action

to support Earthrise Media work

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