
This is my archive

to explore the use of AI as a tool to transform advertising and sponsorship models to increase revenue for local journalism

to enable data-driven operations and foster sustainable local journalism

to scale data-driven and sustainable urban digital equity interventions

Foundation launches AI-powered social media tool for journalists

to support the development of the Open Supply Hub

to support research and AI/ML evaluation efforts to define and implement data privacy and protection practices for emerging technologies used by students and families

to support the ODI Data Institutions Programme and related Responsible Data Stewardship.

to provide support for independent journalism and coverage of humanitarian crises

to support Public Interest Technology (PIT) Infrastructure Fund to build private and public infrastructure to develop and deploy technology that is equitable, accountable to the public, and responsive to society’s most pressing problems

to support the Columbia University Graduate School of Journalism’s Craig Newmark Center for Journalism Ethics and Security with their key initiatives advancing journalism ethics education, security, and industry practices in the digital age

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